WCG Stats Monday 03 April 2023

Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
WCG Daily Team Stats - The PCReview Crew II

Today's stats for
Monday 3rd April 2023 
                                         New         New  |            Total      Total    CPU Time
+/- #    Member Name                   Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
--  1    nivrip                         7,345         12  |      113,462,214    279,899     105:1:2
--  2    Taffycat                       4,884          8  |       89,716,379    149,185      46:9:1
--  3    CITech                             0          0  |       68,562,423    312,008      33:4:9
--  4    MajorMellons                   2,483          4  |       67,854,609    181,120     55:6:10
--  5    AbsoluteKevster                    0          0  |       44,494,616     80,983     45:2:28
--  6    grahamperdeaux                   595          1  |       43,353,669     60,351     22:1:21
--  7    blow85                             0          0  |       34,185,581     70,105      18:0:1
--  8    Evan29                         2,631          4  |       17,351,806     28,680      9:5:24
--  9    Quadophile                         0          0  |       15,723,891     24,299     10:7:25
--  10   LoneWolf_53                        0          0  |       15,046,120     71,982      23:1:7
--  11   aviking                            0          0  |       15,002,505     33,316     4:10:24
--  12   Urmas                              0          0  |        6,251,185     10,424      4:4:13
--  13   mike047                            0          0  |        2,976,854      6,861      3:3:21
--  14   Rush                               0          0  |        2,391,072      6,016     3:11:29
--  15   Dataman                            0          0  |        1,244,406      4,294       1:8:6
--  16   Rudi the Red                       0          0  |          104,095        303       0:2:8
--  17   TLD                                0          0  |           99,054        209       0:2:2
--  18   cswchan                            0          0  |           37,588         46      0:1:15
--  19   Sport                              0          0  |            4,135          8       0:0:6
--  20   lukeyg                             0          0  |              653          2       0:0:0

=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
                                          New        New  |            Total      Total   Team Time
                                       Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
                                 ------------  ---------  |  ---------------  ---------  ----------
Team Total                             17,938         29  |    1,430,964,539  3,203,313    709:4:22
                                 ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========

Team Rank 214

Well, well, some points. But not many, considering all the Tasks have disappeared.

But no new WUs. :(

However, it's a start. :)
There are reports of people crunching again. But I am not.

Maybe I'll just have to wait.
Hi @nivrip, yes, I've just logged on and the situation is the same at my end. The 50 completed jobs have disappeared, but no WUs are being sent.

Perhaps later in the week we shall see some WU action.:confused: