WCG Excel Calculator


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've currently got the Excel file in a working state, it seems good enough to use - if it is any quicker than the manual method anyway.

The file is attached, and it does look like a real mess - but there is method behind the madness and formulas (most of which are hidden away to avoid confusion). Here's how it works for Mucks/Adywebb/V_R - although anyone else feel free to have a play :)

I've made a test post here which was done in just a few clicks (add to this one to have a play around with getting it to work):


It will no doubt take a couple of goes to get the hang of it, as it isn't the most elegant solution - but it does work :D


  • You need Excel to view this (OO won't work yet unfortunately), but if you don't have this there is a free Excel viewer which does the trick.
  • Sheet 1 is the listings of everyones points, and sheet 2 is the bandings.
  • If you open the sheet it should ask to auto-refresh the data - click OK and the numbers will download from the net
  • It will look strange when you first paste into the WYSIWYG box on the site, but it will look ok once posted.
Sheet 1
  • Highlight all of the first column of data (shown in white), and drag down to the last person with any results obtained (I can't remove the 0 points returned or "team totals" results. Copy this data and paste into a new thread window.
  • Then, highlight all of the second white area (including whitespace above and below) and paste below the above information.
  • Highlight all text and then centre - it should be ready to post.
Sheet 2
  • This sheet looks very, very messy on screen as lots of fiddles are required to get data spacing correct.
  • Highlight all of the white area (you may need to zoom out). Copy and paste this into a new post.
  • The only thing that isn't automatic is the commas between names (I'm working on this now, but I'm not sure how to do it yet). Just go through the pasted information in the reply window and add in commas between names.
  • Highlight and centre all text.
  • Post! (This will take some time as the text is around 80k)


... great job ...

Well done Ian,

I see why I am having a little trouble ... I'm using data straight from WCG, you is using Free-DC ... they, Free-DC, have been a little erratic in their data returns so I haven't been using them. :D

My main problem with OOo is it 'stalls' (stops responding) when ever it updates the data, even in Linux ... I will need 23 different files, not sheets, to keep it from stalling. ;)

WCG haven't made the job very easy and I know nuffin about 'scrips' to parse data off.

Now all you need to do is ... set-up a separate page that permanently displays the stats in real-time. :thumb:

Now that would be a challenge to get a real time page :) I'll give it a go though, as I'm sure it's doable - that can be my task for the next couple of weeks ;)

Did the file load for you in Excel viewer and work ok? I'll see if I can make it work in OO now :)

edit: OO seems to handle things completely differently so I'm not sure if I can :confused:
Ian, what version of Excel would you like ... ;)

No, there was no problem with 'your' copy of the sheets ... I have just forgotten most of what I knew about Excel

I find OOo easier, and, I have been using different data source. The other point is, Excel is a pig-in-a-poke on Linux. :D

I have most of it done, but, OOo is having problems when it looks for the update ... I have it set to 30min, just to see what happens with my cross-referencing, that's when it goes off on a coffee break. :rolleyes:

It has given me something to do and I'll keep at it of-n-on for a wee while yet ... you have a working copy, that is what we are after. :thumb:
I've tried out todays using it and it seems to work ok, but there are few things I'm going to work on:

  • Moving the MJW to the top of the list automatically
  • Removing old non-active names from the main list
  • Adding commas between names
I'm a bit stuck on how to code those now, but I'm working on it still :)
Eagle eyed TD has just spotted a problem with todays stats - I've removed them for now while I work on it. :)