Just think to get some comment from communitiy regarding best
pratice using splash screen. If we develop an application that need loading
database to dataset it's we need done it at main page fill up all nessarcy
table to dataset. since the splash screen only counter the main page loading
time. If I only loading database from second form than user will need to
wait without notification. It seen like bad experience to the user for
waiting so long of time to display out another form.
another example like crystal report. normally we will load crystal
report in from that is not the main form. mostly loading crystal report
requere alot of time to getting display out. But think in others way, if I
load all the form when the project is start then will consume allot of
So what is the best way to develop a good application.
Thanks for any comment.
With regards,
Just think to get some comment from communitiy regarding best
pratice using splash screen. If we develop an application that need loading
database to dataset it's we need done it at main page fill up all nessarcy
table to dataset. since the splash screen only counter the main page loading
time. If I only loading database from second form than user will need to
wait without notification. It seen like bad experience to the user for
waiting so long of time to display out another form.
another example like crystal report. normally we will load crystal
report in from that is not the main form. mostly loading crystal report
requere alot of time to getting display out. But think in others way, if I
load all the form when the project is start then will consume allot of
So what is the best way to develop a good application.
Thanks for any comment.
With regards,