Start | Run | Type: regedit | click OK
Go to:
Look in the right pane for VerboseStatus If it exists, double click it and
set its value to 1. If not, right click in a blank area of the right pane,
select New, DWord value and name it VerboseStatus. Set the value to 1.
Verbose vs normal status messages
Or use the /sos switch in the boot.ini
Causes Windows to list the device drivers marked to load at boot time and
then to display the system version number (including the build number),
amount of physical memory, and number of processors. By default, the
Windows Loader screen only echoes progress dots.
You can do this with the System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe)
Start | Run | Type: msconfig | Click OK |
BOOT.INI tab | Select /SOS | Click Apply | Click OK
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User