WAV or MP3 Sound Files Won't Play In PPT 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rusty
  • Start date Start date


I've been inserting wav and mp3 sound files which I have saved in the same
folder as my presentation but they won't play. I have set the file size to
50,000 kbs, and have tried every other suggestion on this discussion group
site. I must say that I have been successful in getting a few wav files to
play, but these were just practice files and not the ones I need for my
I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get this project completed, but after
15 hours of frustrating attempts to make these sound files work, I really
need help.

Just for reference, here's the name of one of the sound files I'm trying to

"Z:\_1 1 1 2 RUSTY\___1 RUSTY'S PUBLIC TALKS\Carson City Historical
Society\Favorite Forms of Entertainment During Glory Years of the Carson
Mint\PowerPoint\02 - We Sail The Ocean Blue from H.M.S. Pinafore.wav"


"Z:\_1 1 1 2 RUSTY\___1 RUSTY'S PUBLIC TALKS\Carson City Historical
Society\Favorite Forms of Entertainment During Glory Years of the Carson
Mint\PowerPoint\02 - We Sail The Ocean Blue from H.M.S. Pinafore.wav"

Off hand I would say your path is way too long. (A known issue in PPT.) I
suspect that if you create a folder with a shorter path (Example:
"C:\mypres") and move the presentation and sound files to it and reinsert
the sound files it will work as expected.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress
Apparently SIZE does matter. I renamed the sound files, reducing the
characters by 80%, saved them in new folder with a shorter name, and
presto-change-o they now play in PPT.

Thanks for the tip,


That's definitely the trick (at least in my situation) as I just told John

I appreciate both of you guys' responses.
