Jose said:
I do not see wuauclt running in TM as a single process - it runs
"under" one of my svchost processses, which is how it should be. I
can only see it through Process Explorer.
If I stop the AU service and restart it, then wuauclt starts as its
own process and can be seen separately in TM but things go back to
normal when I reboot.
If you reboot your system, do you see wuauclt in TM as a separate
I have no idea how you got some versions with "1", but it doesn't make
sense for something like that to be in system32 or dllcache. You
could sentence (move) them to some other folder and remove them from
system32 and dllcache - they do not belong there, reboot and then
troubleshoot any remaining issues.
When you are done poking around, reboot and make sure the AU service
is running and set to automatic in the Services applet:
%SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc /s
Then and see if wuauclt appears as a separate running Process in TM.
- - -
Hi Jose,
There seems to be some confusion surrounding Windows Update stuff.
Your message was the first I read after starting my computer and starting
Outlook Express. I checked Task Manager, and wauclt.exe appeared in the
processes tab after the last SysTray item and before msimn.exe (Outlook
Express). When I got to the last line in your message TM blinked, and the
process wauclt.exe was gone. The elapsed time it was active was about 5
minutes. (Probably a 600 second timeout, since I was not connected to the
internet.) I used "tasklist /svc" to check, and in the svchost.exe process
with 29 services, "wuauserv" is one of them. My Automatic Updates is set
to notify. Have you checked TM for wauclt.exe immediately after starting?
Jose said:
I have no idea how you got some versions with "1", but it doesn't make
sense for something like that to be in system32 or dllcache. You
could sentence (move) them to some other folder and remove them from
system32 and dllcache - they do not belong there, reboot and then
troubleshoot any remaining issues.
Windows XP installation setup puts them there for a reason. Windows File
Protection puts a copy in dllcache for a reason. Look in your i386 folder
on your local drive, or your WinXP setup CD:
WUAU.AD_ becomes: wuau.adm in INF and system32\GroupPolicy\Adm
WUAU.CH_ becomes: wuau.chm in %windir%\help
WUAUCLT.EX_ becomes: wuauclt.exe in system32 and dllcache
WUAUCLT1.EX_ becomes: wuauclt1.exe in system32 and dllcache
WUAUCPL.CP_ becomes: wuaucpl.cpl in system32 and dllcache
WUAUENG.DL_ becomes: wuaueng.dll in system32 and dllcache
WUAUENG1.DL_ becomes: wuaueng1.dll in system32 and dllcache
WUAUHELP.CH_ becomes: wuauhelp.chm in %windir%\help
WUAUSERV.DL_ becomes: wuauserv.dll in system32 and dllcache
wuau.chm = The help file for the Group Policy settings for Automatic
Updates ADM File: wuau.adm [an Administrative template]
wuauhelp.chm = The main help file for Automatic Updates
wuauclt.exe - Windows Update - [Digitally Signed]
Version: 7.4.7600.226 (winmain_wtr_wsus3sp2(wmbla).090806-1834)
wuauclt1.exe - Windows Update AutoUpdate Client
Version: 5.4.3790.5512 (xpsp.080413-0852)
wuaucpl.cpl - Automatic Updates Control Panel - [Digitally Signed]
Version: 7.4.7600.226 (winmain_wtr_wsus3sp2(wmbla).090806-1834)
wuaucpl.cpl.manifest - 749 bytes
[apparently an XML publicKeyToken document]
wuaucpl.cpl.mui - Automatic Updates Control Panel - [Digitally Signed]
Version: 7.4.7600.226 (winmain_wtr_wsus3sp2(wmbla).090806-1834)
[apparently dialog box messages and controls]
wuaueng.dll - Windows Update Agent - [Digitally Signed]
Version: 7.4.7600.226 (winmain_wtr_wsus3sp2(wmbla).090806-1834)
wuaueng.dll.mui - Windows Update Agent - [Digitally Signed]
Version: 7.4.7600.226 (winmain_wtr_wsus3sp2(wmbla).090806-1834)
[MUI = Multilingual User Interface]
wuaueng1.dll - Windows Update AutoUpdate Engine
Version: 5.4.3790.5512 (xpsp.080413-0852)
wuauserv.dll - Windows Update AutoUpdate Service
Version: 5.4.3790.5512 (xpsp.080413-0852)
How do I reset Windows Update components
(Check out how many other DLL's are involved with Windows Update.)
How to obtain the latest version of the Windows Update Agent
Windows Update website:
How to read the Windowsupdate.log file
During the normal 23 seconds from the time Windows began to load, until my
desktop was full operational and ready for me to start, the Windows Update
process apparently used .485 seconds of time, of which most was idle.
However, my computer does not automatically connect to the internet when it
starts so YMMV. (Your Mileage May Vary.)
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