Does any one have any real time experience of using watercooling?
eg temps when used as apposed to prev. temps
There are far too many variables involved to simply declare
water cooling to be "X" degrees cooler or quieter (or even
louder, for that matter). One must consider the air-sink,
chassis temp, fan on that 'sink, it's RPM, and counter with
even more variables present with the water-cooler
alternative. If you just want some random "average" which
cannot be expected to be accurate on any one specific system
change (to water cooling), call it 10C on an A64, 15C on a
If you are not trying to aggressively overclock the system
nor use it in an extrememly inhospitable environment, there
is no gain to using water cooling, it would be of no benefit
to get parts cooler than they "need" to be.