Watching the COM+ pool

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I am investigating COM+ and System.EnterpriseServices and have a serviced
component configured for pooling. I want to track the pool, especially things
like when a component is moved into the pool (out of the pool could also be

Is there an API or tool or ...
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Juan Dent said:

I am investigating COM+ and System.EnterpriseServices and have a serviced
component configured for pooling. I want to track the pool, especially
like when a component is moved into the pool (out of the pool could also

Is there an API or tool or ...
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!

Run dcomcnfg.exe from the command line, expand "Component
services"/Computers/My Computer..., select your application from COM+
Applications and select Detail from the View menu.

No I think I must have been misinterpreted. What I want is to see the current
number of objects of a certain serviced component currently in the pool and
currently in existence (and their state: whether active or pooled).

Any other input?
Thanks in advance,

Juan Dent, M.Sc.
Sorry, I said Details while I meant Status view.
The status view shows you per component the ProgId, Clsid, Objects,
Activated, Pooled, In call and Call time.
Where Objects are the total number of instances created,
Activated are the numer of objects currently active, that is currently
referenced by a client,
Pooled are the number of object instances in the pool, and
In Call are the number of objects actively executing method calls.

Isn't this what you are looking for?


Currently I am researching the issue and we will reply here with more
information as soon as possible.
If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post here.

Thanks for your understanding!

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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I agree with Willy's suggestion, is that what you want?
Or can you describe your scenario more concrete?

If you still have any concern, please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Yes this is what I am looking for. Yet I don't see Status View anywhere in
Component Services Explorer. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance,

Juan Dent, M.Sc.

I think you may try to following the steps below to monitor the status.

1. Run dcomdnfg
2. Drill Down to Console Root/Component Services/Computers/My Computer/Com+
3. Click the Menu, View/Status
4. Look into the right pane

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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