Sorry about cross-posting, I posted this a couple of days ago on
"microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb" and got no response...
(using VS .NET 2005 on Windows XP...)
I have a treeview which shows a mixture of records and files, what I'd like
is for the files to look exactly as they would in Explorer....
I'm using Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon to extract the icon from a
filepath etc. to be added to an imagelist used by a treeview.
Everything works fine but the treeview icon appears to be 32x32 squashed to
16x16 instead of the proper 16x16 icon which looks much better. Using
Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon to get icons (16x16) for list or
treeviews looks awfull, I am guessing that what I'm getting is 32x32
squashed into 16x16.
Anyone know a solution?
Sorry about cross-posting, I posted this a couple of days ago on
"microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb" and got no response...
(using VS .NET 2005 on Windows XP...)
I have a treeview which shows a mixture of records and files, what I'd like
is for the files to look exactly as they would in Explorer....
I'm using Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon to extract the icon from a
filepath etc. to be added to an imagelist used by a treeview.
Everything works fine but the treeview icon appears to be 32x32 squashed to
16x16 instead of the proper 16x16 icon which looks much better. Using
Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon to get icons (16x16) for list or
treeviews looks awfull, I am guessing that what I'm getting is 32x32
squashed into 16x16.
Anyone know a solution?