Warnings on applying April 2006 security patches to XPe SP2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Manoj
  • Start date Start date


I am applying April 2006 security patches to XP Embeded SP2 database. I
get two warnings which are given below. Can anyone tell me how to fix
the problem, or in case it is not fixed are there any adverse

R: Checking: "Internet Explorer - Security Update KB905915 [Version
5.1.2600.2180.8, R2917]"...
R: Info 101: Initializing new component: "Internet Explorer -
Security Update KB912812 [Version 5.1.2600.2180.9, R2918]"
R: Info 104: Upgrading from: "Internet Explorer - Security Update
KB905915 [Version 5.1.2600.2180.8, R2917]"
R: Warning 1119: Cannot migrate edited settings for:
R: Info 101: Estimated footprint: 5201920 Bytes

R: Checking: "Windows Media Player 9.0 - Security Update KB911565
[Version 5.1.2600.2180.1, R2900]"...
R: Info 101: Initializing new component: "Windows Media Player 9.0
- Security Update KB911565 [Version 5.1.2600.2180.2, R2901]"
R: Info 104: Upgrading from: "Windows Media Player 9.0 - Security
Update KB911565 [Version 5.1.2600.2180.1, R2900]"
R: Warning 1119: Cannot migrate edited settings for: "WMVDMOE.DLL"
R: Info 101: Estimated footprint: 31186944 Bytes

It's weird that you're seeing that on upgrade, but there's no harm done with
the exception that any settings in the config ui or advanced cmi settings
you may have tweaked (like the default IE home page in the component) would
probably be lost after upgrading the component, meaning you'd have to set
that again in the new component.

Try letting Jon Fincher know about this in the QFE package at his blog, you
can contact him via the link there called 'e-mail jon'.
http://xpeqfe.blogspot.com/ , his blog is about XPe servicing and QFEs.
Andy pinged me about this yesterday - the issues you're seeing are known
and expected...

For the IE warning, the file PLUGIN.OCX was removed from the updated
component - during upgrade, we try to migrate the settings from the old
component to the new. Since there no PLUGIN.OCX anymore, there's no
place to put the settings, and you get a warning. It's completely

The same thing goes for the WMP error - WMVDMOE.DLL was removed, so you
get a migrated settings warning, again completely ignorable.

One other thing I just found out about this morning that was missed in
the April update - there is still an FBA resource to register the
PLUGIN.OCX file. You'll see a warning or error in the FBALOG.TXT for
this - again, it's ignorable, but something I need to fix for the June
