I am cursed with the following warning, its comes up every 30 seconds, any
help to remove it would be greatly appreciated.The message is Via a programme
called Win Patrol which is obviously blocking the change that I do not want.
A Change has been detected in your Internet Explorer Search Page
Your new page is http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?=ie8ar=iesearch
I keep selecting NO but it still appears repeatedly.
Roy Phillips
I am cursed with the following warning, its comes up every 30 seconds, any
help to remove it would be greatly appreciated.The message is Via a programme
called Win Patrol which is obviously blocking the change that I do not want.
A Change has been detected in your Internet Explorer Search Page
Your new page is http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?=ie8ar=iesearch
I keep selecting NO but it still appears repeatedly.
Roy Phillips