Warning! your Flash Player is out of date!

Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hello PCr,

I have seriously strange trouble in PC. And your help will be much appreciated.

It is some days that PC has such trouble on accessing a sites, when i open facebook, youtube, google.com by google chrome, Mozila, IE ,, Warning! your flash player is out of date" windows is pop ups and can't access on that sites. Espacielly with it pop ups with ,, .com" domain. When i am trying to access to my country ,,.ge" domain it's ok no warning pop ups for example : (Link removed, enough to give a person gbh of the eyeballs - fbs)
Because of that i re-installed a windows, i removed network cable from my PC, after boot from my installation media and format C drive and delete/format D drive too, and installed clean windows.

After everything went ok and tried to access on that sites , at first facebook opened correctly but after occurred same trouble as before again. After i tried everything, i ran adwCleaner, MalwareAnti-malwarebytes, Avast free, sfc/scannow,RTkill, also installed windows updates, but nothing trouble still exists. after tried to install that damn flash player, i downloaded it from it's manufacturer site and installed but nothing.

I am so tired that i will throw that PC from window.

Please help me in that trouble please.

Thanks in advanced.
Adobe Flash Player, IMHO, is a virus.:)

OK, first thing I would do is uninstall, via Add Remove Programs, any and all reminisce of the Flash player.

Then, go to your Browsers' web site and see how to update the included flash player ... for instance, I use Google Chrome, I don't have to do anything, they do it all for me, I've never had to PB around with Flash. :)


