Warning message 5504 - invalid domain name in a packet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jenna
  • Start date Start date


I am receiving a number of these messages or similar in the event log:
Event ID: 5504
The DNS server encountered an invalid domain name in a packet from The packet is rejected.

I also had one of these earlier:
Event ID: 3000
The DNS server is logging numerous run-time events. For information about
these events, see previous DNS Server event log entries. To prevent the DNS
Server from clogging server logs, further logging of this event and other
events with higher Event IDs will now be suppressed.

I'm having trouble finding much in the KB...can anyone tell me if I should
be concerned or if this is normal activity. Thank you!
To find the source of the problem enable DNS logging then check the dns.log file for the packet causing this error. Based on
what is in the packet, you may be able to take corrective action.

Another option would be to open the properties of the DNS server from within the DNS mmc. Go to the Advanced tab and
change "Name Checking" to "all names".

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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