Well i can tell you this its not a virus thats for sure. Because i formated
my computer like 3 weeks ago. For another reason! I did not realy have to
format for lol. Also its at there end not mine. There Update server must be
down. as for spyware well...? Just be careful what you download and goto
webpages your trust. Besides that if your realy worryed download spybot
search and destory with javacools spyblaster. or Adaware. My advice is just
wait for Microsoft to wake up and fix the problem. Monday maybe lol. Its not
a huge deal 3 days without updates will not hurt us much. Unless there is
some real new big bad spyware company out there. Besides that i think most
ussers are safe enough. Also i checked my computer for the files you said are
virus and found zero
and thats good but thanks for the tip. Last point i
think Microsoft anti spyware is ok for now. I hope they take care of there
new toy and let us the ussers know what the heck is goin on. Also i get that
error Warning could not connect to the internet... Too but come monday i am
sure it will connect and ither update or say up to date lol. Lets just hope
so. Reason i think my computer does not have a virus is router with windows
firewall and a 3rd software firewall with a very good anti virus that updates
every 3 hours. Microsoft antispyware is only program broken right now. If you
are still worryed download spysweeper for 14 days and try it free or wait for
Microsoft to fix its own program. Also i virus scaned my computer just the
other day and also scaned it with microsoft antispyware program. So it still
scans just does not update. No spyware and no virus i am 99% sure my computer
is clean. So no more worrys just wait for Microsoft to fix it. Also i hope
Microsoft is not mad when i tell them about there well competiton spybot
adaware and spysweeper but the is tons more out there. But if they realy have
faith in there product they should not worry. I realy like it over all 3 but
thats just me. Reason Its does eveything with 1 program. Sure it uses lots of
ram but keeps your computer running well.