Sorry [name], I've been dealing their spam and trying to get off
of their lists for the last couple of weeks now. Maybe they just
started spamming in earnest and are only using email addresses
from the most recent registrations? I don't know. However, they
*are* spamming me evey other day now.
In response to a proffer via a spam, I downloaded their free
graphics program, and registered with a 'spam-trap' Email account
information (because they're "Serif" they're a respectable outfit,
right??). I later wasn't bothered by their few contacts via Email
offering various 'free' software, and eventually responded to one
of their proffers and bought a graphics tablet from them; something
like $19.95.
Whoooo Wheee! I can easily filter their many and massive Email
spams - but USPS (for you 'other' people out there: that's 'United
States Postal Service', which is the biggest cog in the 'American
Corporate Welfare Grand Plan', whereby businesses buy Congressmen
to make laws that enable them to mail to our citizens many
advertisements on an annoying level for mere fractions-of-a-penny
per article - while a stamp for us 'non-covered' citizens cost $.37
per 1 ounce-maximum article)and their deluge of "bulk mail"
inundates my mail box with "special offers" from Serif.
So, yes, they are a marketing-front-end operation - apparently not
choosing to take advantage of the European Post Office's special
breaks for snail-spam - and they will dump some paper and/or "one's
and zero's" on your doorstep if you're not careful.
There's a major parallel to what's happening now with "SPAM" and
what happened to the US Postal Service with bulk-mail. Did you know
that the US Post Office was conceived as a taxpayer's service in
support of free-speech and was viewed as a vital instrument of
keeping us free and informed? It all started coming apart and going
into deficits with the onset of high-paid-lobbyists > influencing
Congress-criminals > passing laws > favoring US businesses
receiving special bulk-rate mail rates.
While I hate "SPAM" and spammers just as badly as anyone; I am
equally fearful of the US Congess becoming involved in the
internet's practices via legislation - because in the end:
"certain" corporate-interests are going to be allowed to "SPAM"
away at us. That's right! Mark it down; save this message; that's
what I said - now watch it happen.
So, don't just boycott Serif. Write your Congress-criminals and
*demand* these bulk-rate deals be investigated and corrected! Crap,
that would probably balance our budget if these Corporate-
beneficiaries simply paid a fair rate to mail everyone this snail-
"Power to the pundits and lobbyists!" --John Lennon
"Take America Back - clone and vote for Adolf Hitler." --Jerry
"Let 'em buy Yugos!" --Ralph Nader
"DIGNITY IN DEATH! - by slow starvation and dehydration over a
several week period of time." --Florida Courts