Waring about Serif software.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
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John Corliss

My advice to everybody is to not install their registerware. I have
been getting flooded with spam which all originates from them or their
"partners". Repeated requests (via the links they provide in their
messages) to remove me from their mailing lists have all met with failure.

It's just as simple as this: in my opinion, Serif is a spamming
outfit. I'm going to remove their software from my computer and I
advise others not to download from them.

Regards from John Corliss
alt.comp.freeware F.A.Q.:
Note that I can't see any of Andy Mabbett's troll posts
because I have him killfiled.
My advice to everybody is to not install their registerware. I
have been getting flooded with spam which all originates from
them or their "partners". Repeated requests (via the links
they provide in their messages) to remove me from their
mailing lists have all met with failure.

It's just as simple as this: in my opinion, Serif is a
spamming outfit. I'm going to remove their software from my
computer and I advise others not to download from them.

I don't know what have went wrong when you installed their
software, but I have almost every piece of their (free) software on
my computer, registered using my real email-adress, and I haven't
seen any mail from them. Not one single mail, nor from Serif, nor
from their "partners".

With kind regards,
I don't know what have went wrong when you installed their
software, but I have almost every piece of their (free) software on
my computer, registered using my real email-adress, and I haven't
seen any mail from them. Not one single mail, nor from Serif, nor
from their "partners".

With kind regards,

I do recieve emails from " Natasha Allachina", which is Serifs way of
trying to get around spam filters. But, I could care less. The email
address I use for registering software and so on is a "spam catcher"
account at Yahoo. Once a month I log on to it and empty it out. Ten
seconds once a month is no big deal.
John Corliss said:
My advice to everybody is to not install their registerware. I
have been getting flooded with spam which all originates from
them or their "partners". Repeated requests (via the links they
provide in their messages) to remove me from their mailing lists
have all met with failure.

It's just as simple as this: in my opinion, Serif is a spamming
outfit. I'm going to remove their software from my computer and
I advise others not to download from them.

I don't have that problem.
Henk said:
I don't know what have went wrong when you installed their
software, but I have almost every piece of their (free) software on
my computer, registered using my real email-adress, and I haven't
seen any mail from them. Not one single mail, nor from Serif, nor
from their "partners".

Sorry Henk, I've been dealing their spam and trying to get off of
their lists for the last couple of weeks now. Maybe they just started
spamming in earnest and are only using email addresses from the most
recent registrations? I don't know. However, they *are* spamming me
evey other day now.

Regards from John Corliss
alt.comp.freeware F.A.Q.:
Note that I can't see any of Andy Mabbett's troll posts
because I have him killfiled.
Sorry Henk, I've been dealing their spam and trying to get off of
their lists for the last couple of weeks now. Maybe they just started
spamming in earnest and are only using email addresses from the most
recent registrations? I don't know. However, they *are* spamming me
evey other day now.


You don't need to pre setup accounts.

Aaron (my email is not mungled!)
John said:
My advice to everybody is to not install their registerware. I have
been getting flooded with spam which all originates from them or
their "partners".

Ditto. From the "Natasha" chick. Easy enough to filter except they use
direct mail too.

I dumped all my Serif stuff...


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On 23 Oct 2003, John Corliss wrote
My advice to everybody is to not install their registerware. I
have been getting flooded with spam which all originates from them
or their "partners". Repeated requests (via the links they provide
in their messages) to remove me from their mailing lists have all
met with failure.

It's just as simple as this: in my opinion, Serif is a spamming
outfit. I'm going to remove their software from my computer and I
advise others not to download from them.

They spam more than by e-mail, too. I registered something a couple of
years ago (UK registration), and kept getting not only e-mail, but also
snail mail and -- wait for it -- even *phone* calls trying to flog me
Sorry [name], I've been dealing their spam and trying to get off
of their lists for the last couple of weeks now. Maybe they just
started spamming in earnest and are only using email addresses
from the most recent registrations? I don't know. However, they
*are* spamming me evey other day now.

In response to a proffer via a spam, I downloaded their free
graphics program, and registered with a 'spam-trap' Email account
information (because they're "Serif" they're a respectable outfit,
right??). I later wasn't bothered by their few contacts via Email
offering various 'free' software, and eventually responded to one
of their proffers and bought a graphics tablet from them; something
like $19.95.

Whoooo Wheee! I can easily filter their many and massive Email
spams - but USPS (for you 'other' people out there: that's 'United
States Postal Service', which is the biggest cog in the 'American
Corporate Welfare Grand Plan', whereby businesses buy Congressmen
to make laws that enable them to mail to our citizens many
advertisements on an annoying level for mere fractions-of-a-penny
per article - while a stamp for us 'non-covered' citizens cost $.37
per 1 ounce-maximum article)and their deluge of "bulk mail"
inundates my mail box with "special offers" from Serif.

So, yes, they are a marketing-front-end operation - apparently not
choosing to take advantage of the European Post Office's special
breaks for snail-spam - and they will dump some paper and/or "one's
and zero's" on your doorstep if you're not careful.

There's a major parallel to what's happening now with "SPAM" and
what happened to the US Postal Service with bulk-mail. Did you know
that the US Post Office was conceived as a taxpayer's service in
support of free-speech and was viewed as a vital instrument of
keeping us free and informed? It all started coming apart and going
into deficits with the onset of high-paid-lobbyists > influencing
Congress-criminals > passing laws > favoring US businesses
receiving special bulk-rate mail rates.

While I hate "SPAM" and spammers just as badly as anyone; I am
equally fearful of the US Congess becoming involved in the
internet's practices via legislation - because in the end:
"certain" corporate-interests are going to be allowed to "SPAM"
away at us. That's right! Mark it down; save this message; that's
what I said - now watch it happen.

So, don't just boycott Serif. Write your Congress-criminals and
*demand* these bulk-rate deals be investigated and corrected! Crap,
that would probably balance our budget if these Corporate-
beneficiaries simply paid a fair rate to mail everyone this snail-

"Power to the pundits and lobbyists!" --John Lennon

"Take America Back - clone and vote for Adolf Hitler." --Jerry

"Let 'em buy Yugos!" --Ralph Nader

"DIGNITY IN DEATH! - by slow starvation and dehydration over a
several week period of time." --Florida Courts
Ditto. From the "Natasha" chick. Easy enough to filter except
they use direct mail too.

I dumped all my Serif stuff...
Same here.


"Zero is where the fun starts
There is too much counting everywhere else."
- Hafiz
Aaron said:

You don't need to pre setup accounts.

I agree.

www.spamgourmet.com is ideal for registering software. You can use a
unique address, include the name of the company and limit the replies.

eg I might give serif this address (e-mail address removed)
it is set up automatically when they email the registration and in this example
would automatically cease to work after 4 emails. It also gives me a fair
idea of who has passed on my email addresses.

About two ago I registered a serif prog from a magazine cd, pageplus 5 or 6.
At first they sent the occasional offer, some fairly reasonable so I didn't mind
- eg the next new version of pageplus for 15 quid. It eventually increased
with their partners stuff to 1 every other day.

I never bothered to try to opt out, but they did dry up eventually.
I believe their emails also use unique HTML image links to check
if you've read them.
M> eg I might give serif this address
M> (e-mail address removed) it is set up
M> automatically when they email the registration and in
M> this example would automatically cease to work after 4
M> emails. It also gives me a fair idea of who has passed on
M> my email addresses.

I have to wonder - if I had an unscrupulous company wanting
to sell my client's email addresses, wouldn't I just omit
the ones that contain my company's name in it? (Do a check
and weed those out before selling.)

A lot of people seem to use this approach quoted - I did
too. Evidently the better (and harder) method is to keep a
record of your own and use something like:
(e-mail address removed)

Just a thought.
Yes, a few missals from Natasha here... nothing major, a few times per year.
Nothing to break a sweat over. Maybe they have ratcheted up their marketing
They spam more than by e-mail, too. I registered something a couple of
years ago (UK registration), and kept getting not only e-mail, but also
snail mail and -- wait for it -- even *phone* calls trying to flog me

Same experience here. This very morning I have received a letter offering
FineReader Pro 5 at a reduced price, plus free Photomanager. I get similar
offers from Serif at about three monthly intervals. IIRC the last one was a
digital camera for $15. Phone calls every three months or so as well which I
politely cut short.

I could get annoyed but I must admit I do use PagePlus 5 (free on a cover
CD) for my DTP work.
Aaron said:

You don't need to pre setup accounts.

My ISP already filters out spam. The only way to block spam from
Serif is to only accept email from those you designate, and I'm not
quite ready to go to that extreme. Thanks anyway though.

Regards from John Corliss
alt.comp.freeware F.A.Q.:
Note that I can't see any of Andy Mabbett's troll posts
because I have him killfiled.