I just thought of another "quirk" for you or anyone. Part of the issue what
my manager needs a report for is this -- Say we get 600 boxes of viewbooks
that have 225 in each box - then one departments starts using them and
depleating supply - then a couple months later we might get another 300 boxes
of viewbooks, this time with 375 - and some supply is used... But my manager
askes "How many viewbooks to we have now on hand, and where are they? (He
wants total "piece" number). I think the location issue it taken care of...
On the DB I modified, I added a "perbox" field, and added/modified a "Sum of
..." to calculate Qty * Perbox. (And when we send boxes out to the
department - I have the perbox as part of the transaction information)... I
will see if I can do the same or simular modifications.
I made a mistake in the last file, I didn't quite finish off one of
the Trigger queries. This one works better.
Jason Lepack
You might want to take a look at this. It's something that I ahd been
starting, but I touched it up for you. If you want more info about it
then post back here.
Please note that if you don't use the transaction form to add
transactions then it won't update the Inventory Table. If you were to
use SQL server you could have triggers attached to the table do this
but JET (the guts of Access) don't do that.
Jason Lepack
Thanks! I will try this. I have added a subform equation to calculate the
"total units on hand" (so in the Products form, it is calculated) - I know I
should be able to add that to a report - but how do I do that again?
I was thinking as I clicked send that all transactions are pretty much
moves... So I came up with another way to do it that makes it easier
at the input stage.
Transaction Table:
Then you would use a UNION query to come up with a result set exactly
like the TransactionTable I originally mentioned:
FromBinID AS BinID,
-qty as amt
[Transaction Table]
ToBinID as BinID,
qty as amt
[Transaction Table]
Jason Lepack
Here's what I read:
A Warehouse has many Sections (Warehouse = warehouseID, warehouseName)
A Section has many Shelves (Section = sectionID, wareHouseID,
A Shelf has many Bins (Shelf = shelfID, sectionID, shelfName)
A Bin has many Items (Bin = binID, shelfID, binName)
An Item has many Bins (Item = itemID, itemName, etc)
The best way for the transaction table to work would be like this:
Transaction Table:
itemID - number - joined to item table
binID - number - joined to a bin
TransDateTime - date/time - when the transaction occurred
qty - number - the amount transacted
Now a move will have two records in the transaction table. One with a
negative quantity to remove it from the old location and one with a
positive quantity to insert it into the new loaction. Then if you
want to see how much inventory you have of a specific item then you
just create a query that looks for the ItemID, BinID, and sums the
If this is to be used for a large business you will definitely want to
upgrade to something larger than Ms Access but it will be fine to
prove concept. You will want to learn about Indexes as the
transaction table will grow quickly, and you might want to even keep
another table for reporting, ie when a transaction is completed update
the quantities that were modified in a transaction.
Inventory Table: (this will store up to date inventory)
Jason Lepack
I am working on a project to keep track of the items in a warehouse. I am
modifying the "Inventory Control" template from the MS website. I am trying
to solve a location issue. The issue is -- we receive some items (e.g. 10
pallets of paper having 40 cases each). Which then goes into 10 areas of the
warehouse (which I have set up as tables -- Warehouse, Section, Bin, and
shelf). Then as requests are made for the items, they might need to be moved
to another location as we use them (or just moved to more organize the space
available). The manager occasionally wants a "current location" report to
print - so if we are looking for something, we can print the report and know
its (final) location and quantity. I have been using the Inventory
Transactions table to keep track of what comes in and what goes out - but not
sure how to handle the "internal" moves - from one location to another. And
how to report the 'final' location of something.- Hide quoted text -
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