According to your SANDRA report you have the aspire 5610. The bad news is,
that uses the Intel Graphics card. I have little experience with those kinds
of cards and what experience I do have is that they suck beyond words.
It appears you haven't registered your laptop yet, because when I put in
your serial number it said you were not registered. So I would start wit
that. About Your System
from there you should get some more options about drivers and updates if
there are any. But given what I know, it may just boil down to a
sub-standard graphics card.
You can do a google search for a program called Motherboard Monitor 5, which
will let you monitor the heat of your system and give you an alert. That way
you'll know if it's a heat issue or not. If it is, you'll have to shop
around and look for places that sell laptop coolers, I don't know how well
they work, but it might help out enough. Also make sure you laptop is well
ventilated and not boxed in.
If nothing else, it could just be a bug with your system in which it's
overheating and shouldn't. You might have to log a call with Acer to find
out what's going on. which goes back to your need to register