WapClub Helpppp!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 24, 2005
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Please can anyone tell me what WapClub is? It's costing me a fortune and I cannot reply with Stop or Stop All as the messages are sent straight to my Service Inbox. I delete them but they still take money for ringtones that I don't want.

Please tell me how to get rid of WapClub for good. I'm on the orange network. There is no phone number for them and the web address for WapClub don't work. Thanks.

Meg, UK
This is a usual trap where you insert your mobile number and you get bombarded with texts each costing you up to £1.50 each....

Go back to the site where you entered the number and look around for links to unsubscribe... but a word of warning they will not make it easy for you but if you persevere you should find it......Good Luck....
Hi there :)

I did not subscribe to anyone called WapClup, the site that I did get a ringtone from, I was able to text Stop All and I never heard from them again. So unfortunately, I have not got a site from WapClub that I can check up on for advice like you mentioned. The URL they sent to my service inbox, does not work.

I just wondered if anyone knew of WapClup, who they are and have they a website I can check for information. I have put it into a search engine without success.

Thanks Anyway :)

Meg, Scotland UK.
Nope, can't find anything either ... so pop along to your local Orange shop and ask them what you can do ... tell them there are other phone providers around. ;)

Found 'em ... little buggers!! ... http://wapclub.esmartmusic.com
