Wanted: Gardening Expert


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I acquired this plant about 18 months ago and put it in the garden. Last summer/autumn it did not flower but this year it has. It is quite late in the season but maybe this is the correct time for it. I cannot remember what it's called. :o


Now,as it has a very distinct and interesting flower, I need someone who knows a thing or two about gardening to tell me what it is.

Anyone out there can help?
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Thanks AB. I thought it looked like a Hydrangea before it flowered but this flower is so different to the other Hydrangeas I have. And it has flowered so late. Any idea which variety it is? :confused:
Mr Barbarian is right. Hydrangeas happen to be one of my favourites, and the one in your photo is the Lacecap variety. Very pretty too. :D
Generally i find that my hydrangeas will flower right through untill late autumn, and last year I replanted some hydrangeas a neighbour had just uprooted to throw away (They all survived surprisingly) but I was surprised to find that they started flowering almost as soon as they'd grown a few leaves (I had cut them back almost to the ground when I planted them). I think it's that stubborn drive to survive that is the reason why I love them and geraniums so much :)