Rob posted this on alt.comp.freeware
G'day Rob,
One I used in an earlier version was Dkopie. It will read/write
images, as well as do a number of other disk copying operations,
including handling some non-standard formats. A quick google on
"dkopie" will turn up a number of references to it on various MSDOS
file archive sites etc. Version 3.0 (1997) seems to be the last
around and is still available as of this evening at Simtel:
Probably not supported anymore? (And I don't know how it will
go under modern versions of Windows -- but at least you get the
source code with it.

Here's a summary of its features stolen from
Summary: DiskCopy DOS, 2M(GUI), FDformat disks (VGA,286+)
License: Freeware
Requires: VGA, 286+.
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Download: (Aug 17 1997, 371.4K)
dKopie is a Disk COPY (KOPIE) program for IBM-Compatible computers
operating under the DOS operating system. Source (asm) included for
non commercial use.
- Can copy normal disks (the same formats as diskcopy)
- Can copy FDFORMAT compatible formats
- Can copy disks formatted by 2M
- Can copy disks formatted by 2MGUI (experimental)
- Can copy normal disks with an abnormal boot sector
- Can read/write image-files
- Can make use of XMS-memory
- Is available in an English and a Dutch version
- Is completely free (Freeware)
- Comes with the complete source (ASM)
Cheers, Phred.