Want to win £100,000,000


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Euromillions jackpot now at £100,000,000 :eek: yes 100 Million Quid

Obscene or Good ??

What would you do with the money ??

Your opinions

Me personally thinks it far far too much .
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Wow, that is obscene - wouldn't say no personally though ;) Could be great if someone deserving wins it, but equally terrible if some idiot wins it.

I guess that would most likely be split loads of ways though with lots of winners?
I'll have 50p worth please. :D

The odds are ... 76,275,360 to 1 ... in winning. :rolleyes:

I would not have a clue as to what to do with £100 Million ... although my imediate family would all be retired the day after the win. :thumb:
I'll have 50p worth please. :D

50p would buy you 1/3 of a ticket :eek: so mucks buy the other 2/3rds and you will have a chance:p

100 million Hmm! I would have a- well anything and everything that money can buy>>> shudder to think about it.:D
although those odds are extremely steep i'm still gonna give it a go
UUUMMMM :thumb:

76,000,000 /1 odds on winning £100,000,000 yep

Right i will have £1 on all possible combinations . If i am the only winner i will make at least £24,000,000

All i have to do now is phone the bank manager and explain i need to borrow £76,000,000 for the lottery or make a quick call to my mate Roman and ask him for his loose change :p
Rush said:
UUUMMMM :thumb:

76,000,000 /1 odds on winning £100,000,000 yep

Right i will have £1 on all possible combinations . If i am the only winner i will make at least £24,000,000

All i have to do now is phone the bank manager and explain i need to borrow £76,000,000 for the lottery or make a quick call to my mate Roman and ask him for his loose change :p

slight problem, the tickets cost £1.50 :(
ooops ok quick recalculation ...
maybe i will just buy a couple

(quickly crawls back in his maths hole where teacher slaps him ....);)
Rush said:
UUUMMMM :thumb:

Right i will have £1 on all possible combinations . If i am the only winner i will make at least £24,000,000

All i have to do now is phone the bank manager and explain i need to borrow £76,000,000 for the lottery or make a quick call to my mate Roman and ask him for his loose change :p

nice idea
not so sure about how the euro lottery works
but if its like the english version
u will win much more than 24 million!

because u will prob get 4 numbers or 5 numbers or even 3 numbers
so many countless times!

but obv the biggest problem would be if more than 1 person won the big one!
ouch i hate to think how many lifetimes it would take to repay that sorta money!!!!
I've never played the lottery before. I figure if the chances of winning the national lottery are 14,000,000 to 1 - or thereabouts - then the chances of me winning the lottery with first time I've played it must be like, I dunno, a billion to 1 or something. So i've never played it!
I've been buying one ticket per draw for the last few months, rarely bought a lottery ticket before.

In the last three weeks I've won 3 tenners and 38 quid so I guess I'm about even :)

£100 million? Might almost be enough to buy a house in London :D
£100 million! I don't think I could even begin to know what to do with that much money. I'd invest some of course so that I could live comfortably off the income.
& I'd buy a bunch of stuff for the people I love.
Definitely set up trust funds for my family so that they never had to work at any job they didn't want to. Although the ones for my kids I think i would keep managed & inaccessible except in emergency situations until they are 30yo.
I know it may be old fashioned but I definitely think that the ups & downs I went through to get to where I am now are what I have used to shape myself & surviving them is the basis of my self respect & self sufficiency.

But after that? Well I can think of a few things that I believe in passionately (such as cancer research for example) That would be recieving some of the money.

But i would love to spend a big chunk of it just being nice to strangers. The sort of things that never happen in 'real life'... not in my life anyway... but that can make a huge difference.
Santa Claus ciri :D *adjusts halo*, not because santa is the spirit of giving, but because santa represents the spirit of giving without expecting any reward, not even recognition, except for an awareness of the pleasure of the recipient.

I think that I could happily spend a lot of time and money doing that:).

FLOPS: I don't know... you really think you'll get somewhere in London for that? Well i suppose there might be a few 'fixer uppers' going at discount prices. :p
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i'd give 45% to the church. 45% to good things like cancer researche.
5% i'd give to my family. that leaves me 5 % left..
what am i gonna do with 5 miljoen euro..
i will probably give like another 4% away to some good thing..
i'll keep 1/3 of a % and give 2/3 of a % to my family.
i can live with 300000 euro.. easy.
i don't need money. i have god and a girlfriend. and i love them both
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Estimated jackpot for next week £125,000,000

now every combination at £1.50 a ticket would cost approx £115,000,000
leaving me £10,000,000 if i am the only winner ..

anyone want to join my syndicate ???? or disagree with my mathematical calculations ???
If i won £125,000,000, i would probably stack it really high, and stare at it.

its not like i could take it anywhere is it? Imagine carrying £125,000,000 around in a big breifcase? Such a pointlessly big amount of money.

£1000 in a bag marked with a $ sign would tide me over for a while :D
Could we put you in a black & white striped shirt & a mask & send you out with a bag marked with a $ sign? I'd just love to see what reaction that would get:D