want to say undisclosed recepients instead of addresses



I want to have undisclosed recepients in the To: line instead of indiviual
e-mail addresses to keep recepients more private. I would address
individuals using bbc in Microsoft Outlook


Just use an ordinary email address for the to: line and put everything into
the bcc field.
Is that what you want?
Good luck


Send it to yourself or to a legitimate but dummy email address set up
for just this purpose. If you put a bad email address, then you get
bounces, etc that then clog up the whole email world. In most email
systems, the only email address that can be completly bogus is the
"From" email address (just look at spam to see that).

If you have multiple email accounts send it to one that your email
program then simply deletes when reads anything to that address.



freakazeud has a good idea; however, some email systems will kick it out as
spam if you have too many addressees in the BCC field or even TO or CC
fields. I get around this by sending individual emails to a group of about
150 people.

Then I upgraded to Office 2003 and there Outlook asks you if your really,
really want to send that email. 150 times! Fortuately there's a little
freebie product called ClickYes that will do this for you.

Then my ISP, Charter, decided that you might be spamming if you send out
more than 50 emails an hour unless you have a more expensive commercial
account. My database now sends out about 40 emails, waits an hour, sends out
40 more, until they are all sent. What used to take minutes no takes hours to

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