want to keep Messenger but STOP it from self launching !!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Null
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how do I stop Windows Messenger from auto-launching and signing me in ?

I want to keep the program for use when I choose, but can't seem to be able
to stop the damn thing from signing in automatically when I launch Outlook

It doesn't do it every time, only about once every 10-15 times when I launch
Outlook Express.

the following Preferences under Options are UNCHECKED

- Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts

- Allow Windows Messenger to run in the background

Windows XP - Outlook Express 6.0 - Windows Messenger 4.7

how do I stop Windows Messenger from auto-launching and signing me in ?

I want to keep the program for use when I choose, but can't seem to be able
to stop the damn thing from signing in automatically when I launch Outlook

It doesn't do it every time, only about once every 10-15 times when I launch
Outlook Express.

the following Preferences under Options are UNCHECKED

- Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts

- Allow Windows Messenger to run in the background

Windows XP - Outlook Express 6.0 - Windows Messenger 4.7


Use preferences in Windows Messenger *and* in OE (Tools> Options). Need to
disable auto-launch for Messenger in both places. Also in OE, change the
View so that the contact pane is not displayed: View> Layout.

"Automatically log on to Windows Messenger" in OE was already unchecked

I have now turned off the contact pane in OE and this seems to resolve the
problem as Messenger no longer loads when I run OE.

Strange that MS would link these two things together

thanks for your help

Greetings Null,

If you want to keep the Contacts pane, you can simply close Outlook Express, then download
and run the following .reg file;

Then it won't matter if you have the Contacts pane running or not, Messenger won't load with
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

Null said:

"Automatically log on to Windows Messenger" in OE was already unchecked

I have now turned off the contact pane in OE and this seems to resolve the problem as
Messenger no longer loads when I run OE.

Strange that MS would link these two things together

thanks for your help
