: Hi,
: I always have used nvidia cards (or matrox before that), but now i want to
: try a ati card, what problems can i expect or what is the difference?
: Because i once try a ati card (a few years ago) but i had so many problems
: what that, that i return that card for a nvidia card. And the problems were
: gone. So is it better now, saver to buy a ati card?
: thanks in advance
: Dick
I think once you make the switch to ATI, you'll be fine. I've only experienced a driver
prob with AMD taking over. So I run a driver version or two behind what is current at
I have my graphics card history (and current PC's) at
I of course was a 3Dfx cultist. Then Nvidea bought them out yada yada.. So I went with
Nvidea GF2, GF3 cards around that era. This was fine at first, but I quickly got tired of
all the driver version change to run each different game required a different nvidea
driver. Then I wasn't guar en tea'ed that the game wouldn't lock up.
So I switched to ATI. I enjoy 10,000 % more rl game time with ATI - that is what I wanted,
I currently have the x850 and x1600 in my two game machines. I almost got caught up in the
SLI movement !
I had two voodoo 2 graphics cards in SLI from 3Dfx and that was so fantastic. The "depth
of field" was so marvelous !
I pretty much guess that Nvidea's SLI comes from 3Dfx there, and I still hear they are
putting the 3Dfx api into the Nvidea cards. heh, there was some already creeping in...
So I fought the feeling. I am happy staying with ATI. Crossfire gets sorted out, I will
get it.
I certainly think it bears watching what will happen when dx 10 goes main stream. I mean
a workable card purchasable up and running (can you say decent frame rate ?). Don't know
who will be the victor there. I wait for that.
Mean while I watch the shader differences between my x850 and x1600. Heh, my x850 is
still winning.
They both run about the same fps. Picture looks better imho on the x850.
Like the thread here says, make sure you remove all references to anything Nvidea from
your PC.
Hope this help,
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