want to get rid of tghe new IE 7 is nothing but problems



also Sbc or now at & t said they wont support any issues i may have
with staying connected if I am using IE 7 because it has so many
problems . Those issues are just what I have been having now with the new
IE 7. Also told me that it wasn't really made to be compatible with
windows xp and was mainly for the new windows vista. So i have nothing but
problems now with a lot of my programs no longer working since i have
accepted the up grade and I want to be rid of it and go back to IE 6 .
Heck why try to fix things that are not broke i feel to begin with. Can
I please get some direction as to how I do this. I was told to not
delete it thurough the add and delete program area as I would any other
program in hopes that the IE 6 would just take its place if I do.. They
said it dosen't work and i wouldn't get IE 6 back that way.
thanks for any advice on this issue


Thank you for ur reply but now the question is how will the programs
that is now indicating they rely on IE 7 and may not work if I delete
it keep working for me? I had been told to back my computer up to factory
settings and then when I did upgrade to the IE 7 so those programs are
using the IE 7 now . Will they be fine if the IE 6 will return and
run ok with IE 6 then?


Well as we don't know what these programs are we can't say Y/N, but try and
see if they will work or not.
Why you didn't post with your Problem with IE7 you may got a fix for it but
you should send in the IE7 group not here to get the complete benefit and
good answer to your specific problem.


I installed IE 7 and didn't like it..I uninstalled it and went right back to
IE 6 with no problems.


Thanks so much i did it and worked out fine. Sure wish that internet
providers woudl know what they are talking about when they give out
advice. Thanks agin for the help.


masoncwgrl said:
also Sbc or now at & t said they wont support any issues i may have
with staying connected if I am using IE 7 because it has so many
problems . Those issues are just what I have been having now with the new
IE 7. Also told me that it wasn't really made to be compatible with
windows xp and was mainly for the new windows vista. So i have nothing but
problems now with a lot of my programs no longer working since i have
accepted the up grade and I want to be rid of it and go back to IE 6 .
Heck why try to fix things that are not broke i feel to begin with. Can
I please get some direction as to how I do this. I was told to not
delete it thurough the add and delete program area as I would any other
program in hopes that the IE 6 would just take its place if I do.. They
said it dosen't work and i wouldn't get IE 6 back that way.
thanks for any advice on this issue

I had to restore my system to a date prior to adding IE7 and this worked for


You're welcome..glad you got it fixed. :)

masoncwgrl said:
Thanks so much i did it and worked out fine. Sure wish that internet
providers woudl know what they are talking about when they give out
advice. Thanks agin for the help.

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