Want to download Movie Maker 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter TA
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Just got new PC with XP SP2.

Want to download Movie Maker 2 but only links I can find on MS site seem to
imply U have to download it with SP2.

If you mean MM v2.1, then yes, it is only available with SP2 - not as a
standalone download.
Will Denny said:

If you mean MM v2.1, then yes, it is only available with SP2 - not as a
standalone download.

but my brand new aldi medico 8383 has XP SP2 but no Movie Maker?
TA said:
but my brand new aldi medico 8383 has XP SP2 but no Movie Maker?
If Movie Maker is on your machine and
you just have not found it yet...you should
be able to launch it by going to...Start / Run...
and enter "moviemk.exe" (without the quotes)
and press Enter.

If it's not installed...try the Windows update site.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
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Picture It! Support Center

Digital Image Support Center
John Inzer said:
If Movie Maker is on your machine and
you just have not found it yet...you should
be able to launch it by going to...Start / Run...
and enter "moviemk.exe" (without the quotes)
and press Enter.

If it's not installed...try the Windows update site.

On the Windows update site MM 2.1 is only available with XP SP2.

XP SP2 was already installed when I got my PC so I was unable to get MM 2.1

I have found MM 2.0 on another download site, but I don't see any way of
upgrading to 2.1
Will Denny said:
Should be there - it is here.


Will Denny
MS-MVP - Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Yes but not stand alone, you have to install it as part of XP SP2