Want the last MS JVM? Get the current U.S. AOL CD-ROM or d/l it from MS (0/1)


Joel Rubin

Of course, especially as the number of websites which use Microsoft
products that are especially made to work with MSJVM dwindles, because
of the legal issues between MS and Sun, you might want to use the
http://java.sun.com JVM instead.

If you have Netscape or Mozilla or Firefox you probably already have a
version of the Sun JVM and the Java applet in Control will let you use
it with MSIE. (advanced sheet, applet support)

But if you need an MSJVM, here's how to get it.

Note that MS ain't supposed to give it to you, due to legal issues,
unless you already have an earlier version in which case it's a
security upgrade. But unless you signed the settlement, I don't think
that's your problem.

JAVAXMXP.EXE which are the same files per fc/b) which is the exact
same size as: (I'm including the URL as a MIME text attachment because
Usenet tends to screw up long paths with weird characters.)

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Getting Microsoft VM will not likely be a problem any time soon.
However keeping secure the unsupported product may soon be difficult.

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