want message to appear after closing form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Tripicchio
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Tom Tripicchio

I would like to be able to have a reminder message popup when a form is
closed. I know how to accomplish this with a macro, but it is pretty bland.
I would like something to pop up in a bright color with a message to get the
person's attention.

Thanks, Tom
Since you can't do much with a MsgBox other than change
the icon, you can create a form that looks like a MsgBox
and format it as you like. Experiment with the Pop Up,
Modal, and Border Style properties to get the
look/functionality that you want. Then, you just open it
On Close of the original form.
Why not use a small pop-up form with a text box on it. You
could use any color on the form and format the text box as
you like it.

Hope this helps
Never thought of that. Works great. Thanks.

Art said:
Why not use a small pop-up form with a text box on it. You
could use any color on the form and format the text box as
you like it.

Hope this helps