Want a list of a specific field in all past records to pop up in my form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Here is my situation. I have a form (frmHotline) for each case I work.
On this form (frmHotline) you can input Points of Contact (POC1, POC2,
POC3, etc) in a text field. I want to be able to click a Button that
will bring up all the past Points Of Contact from other records/ cases
I worked in the past. I want to be able to see a one page list of all
POCS to date.

What is the best way to do this?

Thanks! Mike
You should have all of your contacts in a separate table, one row for each
contact. However, for a more specific answer, I'd have to have more
specific information, like the table and field names and a sample of the
actual data you are using.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples: www.rogersaccesslibrary.com
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I have one table (tblHotline) and in it I have Fields for 6 Points Of
Contact (POC1, POC2, POC3) for each record/ case I work. I also have
many other fields in this table. This (tblHotline) is tied directly in
my one form (frmHotline) The data I put in the text fields (POC1) is
their name, phone, and why they are a subject matter expert (SME).

For example, say I work a Fraud case on Housing-- I want to put in the
info of the SME I worked with so that I can look at it again in the
future when I am doing another case involveing Housuing Fraud.

I would like to have a button on this frmHotline that pulls up a pop up
of all past POCS on every case, just for reference. Does this help?
Thanks Mike
Yes. Instead of having 6 fields, one for each point of contact, you should
have a separate PointOfContact table. Each record in the POC table, would
have separate fields for Name, Phone and SME, AND it would also store the
primary key value of the related record in tblHotline. For instance (I'll
have to make up some stuff here), you might have a table design that looks
something like this:

(other fields).....|----<CaseID(fk)

This way, each case can have multiple related POC records.

To implement this design in a form, you'd use a Form/Subform set up, where
the Form would be based on the tblHotline table and the subform based on the
tblPOC table. You'd link the form and subform on the CaseID field.
On my website (www.rogersaccesslibrary.com), is a couple of small Access
database samples called "FormSubform.mdb" and "Books.mdb" which illustrate
this setup.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples: www.rogersaccesslibrary.com
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