Wanhao i3 3D Printer


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've been holding off buying a 3D printer for years and years, as they seemed like a lot of money for a technology at an embryonic stage. However, there seem to be some good entry level 3D printers for less then £300 now (I went for the Wanhao i3 @ £289).

There's a bit of info on this model on the Wanhao website: http://wanhaousa.com/products/duplicator-i3-steel-frame

It's a pre-order, but I'm hoping that it'll arrive in the coming days so that I can get playing with it :). As soon as I've got some prints, I'll post pics.

There are so many things that I've wanted to build as projects where this would come in useful, especially for prototyping enclosures for things. I hope it lives up to expectations :thumb:.
Ooooh nice. Bet you'll love it. you can 3D print almost anything it seems, from motorcycle parts to guns!
Brilliant, once you have got it you must show us some of the things you have made with it.:user::thumb::thumb::thumb:

It is great to have a passion, it is something I wouldn't be able to do as not very technical minded, I have a job with just the PC.
Had a look at some of the video's looks great. Good luck with it and you will have to show us what you have built with it when you get it Ian. Cannot wait to see the results:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
As soon as I've got it up and running I'll be posting some pics :D.
I'm genuinely surprised by how good this 3D printer is - the test print came out looking great and that was with minimal calibration or tweaking... about 30 mins of setup time and about 1:30 hours to print:

20160817_115759.webp 20160817_115755.webp

The photos don't really do it justice, as I took them with my phone. However, I'm printing a 2nd test object and I'll be playing with it a lot more in the coming weeks. I'll have a review online once I've put it through it's paces and I'm fully familiar with it.

The level of detail on the hand is way better than I thought a sub £300 3D printer could achieve - especially considering the tiny size of the print. The only downside I've found so far is that it is SLOW to print, but I guess that is going to be a problem with many consumer level printers.
Very cool Ian! :)

The details are good, can see the fingernails and everything. :thumb: