
  • Thread starter Thread starter JonC
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Is there a prog. which allows you to have random desktop wallpapers.??
Each time you start up, you get a new random wallpaper from a file
containing your choices.Thanks.
JonC said:
Is there a prog. which allows you to have random desktop wallpapers.??
Each time you start up, you get a new random wallpaper from a file
containing your choices.Thanks.

I picked this up from this group ages ago, and from who I couldn't tell you,
but it works great and have been using it for a couple of years now.

Take the visual basic script below and put it somewhere (where you might
save such things).
I saved mine as random.vbs .
Place a shortcut to it in your startup folder.
(I guess you could also save it directly to your startup folder, if you like
to do things that way.)

Viola, a new wallpaper every boot.

There are a few customizations, but as it's written your bmp images should
be in your Windows folder, and/or gif/jpg images if Active Desktop is
The other variable addresses Win2K (True/False).

*START AFTER THIS LINE (do not copy)*

'=== Variable Definitions - Do Not Touch ===
Dim ImgNum
Dim ComicArray
Dim ComicString
Dim fso, fol, File, Files
Dim Extension
Dim ImgPath, OSisWin2K, ActiveDeskTopEnabled

'=== Script Customizations - Change these values as needed ===
ImgPath = "C:\WINDOWS\" ' This is the directory the images are in.
OSisWin2k = False ' True if you're running Win2K, otherwise False
ActiveDeskTopEnabled = True ' True if ActiveDesktop is enabled (allows for
gif/jpg files), otherwise False (only bmp)
'=== End Script Customizations ===

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fol = fso.getFolder(ImgPath)

Set Files = fol.Files
ComicString = ""
If Files.Count <> 0 Then
For Each File In Files
Extension = LCase(Right(File.Name, Len(File.Name)-InStrRev(File.Name,
if (Extension = "bmp") then
if Not(ComicString = "") then
ComicString = ComicString & ","
end if
ComicString = ComicString & File.Name
elseif ActiveDeskTopEnabled and ((Extension = "gif") Or (Extension =
"jpg")) then
if Not(ComicString = "") then
ComicString = ComicString & ","
end if
ComicString = ComicString & File.Name
end if
End If
Set Files = Nothing
Set fol = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
ComicArray = Split(ComicString,",")

' Choose Random Array element
ImgNum = Int((UBound(ComicArray)+1)*Rnd)
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

With Shell
' Set Wallpaper Image
.Regwrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper", ImgPath &
' Update to display
.Run "control desk.cpl"
Do Until .AppActivate("Display Properties")
if OSisWIn2K then
.AppActivate("Display Properties")
.SendKeys "{up}{down}{tab 4}~"
.AppActivate("Display Properties")
.SendKeys "{up}{down}{tab 3}~"
end if
End With

Set Shell = nothing
'Clear up ComicArray
Set ComicArray = Nothing

*END HERE (do not copy)*

Hope this helps!
Try www.webshots.com The free version . You can set it to change wallpaper
to change every hour , 4 hours or not at all . With the free version you
only get 5 pictures a day and only 800 x 600 resolution.
Is there a prog. which allows you to have random desktop wallpapers.??
Each time you start up, you get a new random wallpaper from a file
containing your choices.Thanks.

Phyle's Wallpaper Switcher - changes your wallpaper automatically

This free utility for Windows 95/98/2000 or NT4 (& probably XP) will change the wallpaper
picture on your desktop every time you start your computer and/or whenever you want while the
computer is running (every 30 minutes for example).  It is very uncomplicated - to add new
wallpapers (and you can have up to 32,000!!) you just place the pictures in the folder Phyle's
uses.  Removing wallpapers is just as simple.  You can also change the folder Phyle's chooses it
wallpapers from anytime you want to.  No actions such as resetting the database or running a
special program are required.  It also uses very few system resources.

I use Phyle's Wallpaper Switcher in conjunction with Snadboy's Topdesk
(http://www.comcen.com.au/~scottford/_sgg/m2m1s3_1.htm) which clears your desktop icons and
places them in a popup menu from your system tray, so you can have an uninterrupted view of your

Screenshot: http://www.comcen.com.au/~scottford/userfiles/Phyle.jpg

Phyle's Setup Screen: http://www.comcen.com.au/~scottford/userfiles/Phyle_Setup.jpg 

Further Details: http://www.comcen.com.au/~scottford/userfiles/PhyleWall.txt

Download from Scott's Freeware Goodies: http://www.comcen.com.au/~scottford/_sgg/m2m1s2_1.htm
JonC said:
Is there a prog. which allows you to have random desktop wallpapers.??
Each time you start up, you get a new random wallpaper from a file
containing your choices.Thanks.

Several listed here, and all approved by Nonags:


Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.

Because Andy Mabbett is stalking me in this group, I have him killfiled.
This one works great on my XP:
Windows XP Desktop Wallpaper Changer PowerToy
Make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun. The
Wallpaper Changer PowerToy allows your desktop wallpaper to change
automatically. It also lets you choose which images to display. Select the
folder of images to display as a slide show and set the display interval to
change wallpaper every few minutes, hours, or days. The simple intuitive
interface is easily available from the system tray.

JonC said:
Is there a prog. which allows you to have random desktop wallpapers.??
Each time you start up, you get a new random wallpaper from a file
containing your choices.Thanks.
This one works great on XP:
Windows XP Desktop Wallpaper Changer PowerToy
Make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun. The
Wallpaper Changer PowerToy allows your desktop wallpaper to change
automatically. It also lets you choose which images to display. Select the
folder of images to display as a slide show and set the display interval to
change wallpaper every few minutes, hours, or days. The simple intuitive
interface is easily available from the system tray.
This one works great on my XP:
Windows XP Desktop Wallpaper Changer PowerToy
Make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun. The
Wallpaper Changer PowerToy allows your desktop wallpaper to change
automatically. It also lets you choose which images to display. Select the
folder of images to display as a slide show and set the display interval to
change wallpaper every few minutes, hours, or days. The simple intuitive
interface is easily available from the system tray.

This one works great on XP:
Windows XP Desktop Wallpaper Changer PowerToy
Make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun. The
Wallpaper Changer PowerToy allows your desktop wallpaper to change
automatically. It also lets you choose which images to display. Select the
folder of images to display as a slide show and set the display interval to
change wallpaper every few minutes, hours, or days. The simple intuitive
interface is easily available from the system tray.

Thanks all for your help....J.