Do you want to set your computer wallpaper to change frequently? If so, I don't know that it can do that with a PPT file.
You can save your PPT files as images, though. Do File/Save As and in the drop-down "save as type" box at the bottom of that dialog, choose an image type. Then you'd have to set your wallpaper to choose from that folder full of images. I confess, though, I don't know how you'd set it to change periodically, though. Perhaps someone else will.
If you mean, though, that you want to use PPT as a screensaver, see
presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego
pingu the penguin said:
Is it possible to set a powerpoint presintation as by back ground so it changes every 10 sec to another pic in my show??? i have win 200 and powerpoint 2003. if i save it as a html and set it it just becomes white plz help!!!!!!