I'm using winwall 2.1
It is downloadable from
Absolute freeware (No naggings, no spyware (at least not detectable with
Change intervals
Rotate once every x minutes
Rotate at startup
Rotate at random
Change at click (or dubble klik) on traybar icon
Rotate to random or sequential picture
Save wallpaper list *****
Picture list
Multiple pictures from multiple folders.
Stretching and fitting
Like Window Display wallpaper settings +
autotile when smaller then xx% of screen
Alignment (If not exatly fittne screen size)
Bckground Color
Wallpaper caption (A quote | Date | Title)
Realtime visual Effects (Grayscale | Blur | Spray | Random effect |
***** This is the only negative point of the program: you can oly save a
wallpaper list by closing the program it willask you where to save the
wallpaper list for future use. It will however remember where the list is
and use it the next time. If you don't save the list. the next time you
start the program, the wallpaper list will be empty. The wallpaper list is
NOT automatically saved or prompted for if your system is rebooting. (This
particulary makes it the negative point)
Ther are only 2 minor points pure freeware critics could whine about:
1) The software has a little paypal button witch you could click to make a
donation (though it is optional) But it does not slowdown or otherwise
obstruct the functionality of the program (Having a thick scull like mine
helps to ignore a paypal button).
2) The tray bar menu has an option to download free wallpapers, but that is
(as far as i know limited to 3 wallpapers a day). Since you want to use it
for your own pictures, I don't think you will mind...