Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Ware Rabbit


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Went to see this film last night and it was so funny :) I expected something for kids, but the cinema was packed full of adults!

Some of the scenes in it are pure genius, especially Gromits expressions!

I really recommend you go and see this, as it is a real laugh!:D
It sure sounds good to me, and there's nothing better than a personal recommendation.:thumb:
It was one of the best films I've seen in a while - for those of you familiar with Rotten Tomato, it got 95%!

Gromit easily stole the show without uttering a word... pure genius :thumb:
Blooming brilliant film! Went to see this last night too (three 21 year olds, surrounded by kids and their parents) and loved every second.
Glad to see good claymation is appreciated, I heard it takes those guys a year to make the movies. Have not seen this one, but runuway pants was funny.
Raje said:
Glad to see good claymation is appreciated, I heard it takes those guys a year to make the movies. Have not seen this one, but runuway pants was funny.
Yeah, its something like 6 seconds of animation a day :eek: (Can't remember where I heard that statistic from so don't quote me ;)).
I can't wait to see it when I get the chance. Wallace & Grommit are always top line humor. And don't forget the cheese... Wenslydale anyone?
Just back from the W and G film and like Ian/Bex have said it is pure genius - it works on so many levels. For me it touched a real chord as it is definately based 'in the North' and like the film, this time of the year see people in a flat spin where I live preparing their prized vegetables for show and all sorts of skullduggery with people sabotaging potential prize winning veg!!!!!

It is a MUST SEE!!!!

Gabs xx
Ian Cunningham said:
Yeah, its something like 6 seconds of animation a day :eek: (Can't remember where I heard that statistic from so don't quote me ;)).

Its more like 4... it took them about 5 years to make though i think!

Raje: Runaway Pants? Isnt it the wrong trousers? Silly american renaming...
Indeed a brilliant film.I've tried making a super8mm film using plastercine,and believe me it's very hard.