I'm using WakeOnLAN and I've some questions.
I would like to know :
- When you enable WakeOnLAN in the Windows driver. Where is saved this
parameter ? In ACPI Tables ? In Windows Registry ? In a Network Card Memory
The important thing is the driver then configures the nic adapter and
typically a supporting logic element (usually the SIO as most designs utilize
generic SIO GPIO pins to support WOL) that will recognize the "wake me now"
signal from the NIC and in turn signal the system power control logic to tell
the main power supply to fully turn on.
- At shutdown, the NIC puts into a WakeOnLAN mode ? or just in a certain
electrical state which allows WakeOnLAN ?
Careful, if you're using "shutdown" to indicate "standby". These are
significant, contrary terms. There is no return to "awake" from "shutdown",
only from "standby".
If you meant "standby", the important bits are noted above.
- If I understand what you say first, after a powerfailure, when electricty
comes again, the PC isn't in Standby state. But is the WakeOnLAN enabled at
this moment ?
If the PC wasn't steadily maintained in the Standby state, WOL is not
possible. You cannot transition from the "shutdown" state to the "standby"
state. You can only WOL from "standby".
The same NIC and SIO settings that I listed earlier depend on maintaining the
"standby" aka "housekeeping" power to these elements to retain the settings.
When the system is put into the "standby" state, "standby" power is always
available as long as mains (AC) power is connected to the supply.
But if the AC disappears, the "standby" power disappears, and these dynamic
settings are lost, so WOL is not possible.
Excuse me for my english...
You're English is just fine. Whatever your native language I can assure you I
would be pitifully bad at it compared to your mastery of English ;-)