Not sure why some of you got defensive...
I was stating a fact that I hadn't received a response here... as pointed
out by Jupiter Jones, perhaps it should have been in the network section.
It's also stating a fact that despite having bought legitimate software I've
not located any place on-line where I can ask MS for some help. Also fact
is that I am a huge proponent of legitimate software. Also fact I often
tout support as being one benefit. Consequently, also fact, the support
aspect of my legitimate software mantra has been damaged. You don't need to
like it Jerry and [anonymous] but chill out and read as it was intended.
Smile, hug your partner and take a big breath of fresh air.
JJ (If I may call you that), I will try the networking group and I thank you
for that useful feedback. Unfortunately your other suggestion appears not
applicable, as the computer runs great in every way (including network)
except when I access files on my Windows 2000 server, at which time I have
plenty of time to reminisce about my 386dx40 and the simple life I led with
Windows 3.1. Or perhaps my Apple IIc and ProDOS
Relax and enjoy! Continue to be the good Samaritans you are. Sincerely my
compliments to you soldiers of "good will" helping all and sundry. Once I
did this also, in my spare time. Now that spare time spent doing other
things and I'm pleased to see no gap was left.
Be cautious of SPAM from those that abuse posted email addresses.
I'll keep reading this thread if someone would like to add whatever. Will I
post again? *shrug*