Vito Corleone
September 27 2003
I am running windows 2000 Server (stand alone) with
Symantect Antivirus 8.0 Corporate Edition. I also did
updated all the patches.
Folks, I have kept getting this message all the time
Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!
Virus name: W32.Welchia.Worm
File: C:\WINNT\system32\wins\DLLHOST.EXE
Location: C:\WINNT\system32\wins
Computer: SERVER2000
Action taken: Delete failed : Quarantine failed : Access
Date found: Sat Sep 27 21:22:06 2003
I scanned the entire computer and found that DLLHOST.exe
was infected and set the configuration to Delete and no
quarantine if virus found. But the darn Synmantec wont
Anyone know any remendies? Your advices always usefull
and appreciated.
Thank you.
Vito Corleone
President of Export & Import Oliver Oil
Head of the 5 Families
New York
I am running windows 2000 Server (stand alone) with
Symantect Antivirus 8.0 Corporate Edition. I also did
updated all the patches.
Folks, I have kept getting this message all the time
Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!
Virus name: W32.Welchia.Worm
File: C:\WINNT\system32\wins\DLLHOST.EXE
Location: C:\WINNT\system32\wins
Computer: SERVER2000
Action taken: Delete failed : Quarantine failed : Access
Date found: Sat Sep 27 21:22:06 2003
I scanned the entire computer and found that DLLHOST.exe
was infected and set the configuration to Delete and no
quarantine if virus found. But the darn Synmantec wont
Anyone know any remendies? Your advices always usefull
and appreciated.
Thank you.
Vito Corleone
President of Export & Import Oliver Oil
Head of the 5 Families
New York