w32 error



I know this isn't an all-out DNS problem, but this is the closet forum I
found that matches my issue.
Since the time change due to daylight savings time, I have gotten time
server errors in the System Log. It seems like the time server I am using: is not accurate. It is a navy time server. I am located in NY
City. I have also tried which also gives me errors in event viewer:

Source: w32time
Event ID: 11
Description: The NTP server didn't respond

Is there a reliable time server I can use that is set for EST Time Zone?

Herb Martin

Is there a reliable time server I can use that is set for EST Time Zone?

[You are correct -- this is NOT a DNS issue]

Time servers almost always give time in GMT (or more correctly Universal
Time -- UT).

It is up to use to set the Time Zone on each machine so that the conversion
is done locally.

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Newbie said:
I know this isn't an all-out DNS problem, but this is the closet
forum I found that matches my issue.
Since the time change due to daylight savings time, I have gotten time
server errors in the System Log. It seems like the time server I am
using: is not accurate. It is a navy time server. I am
located in NY City. I have also tried which also gives me errors in event viewer:

Source: w32time
Event ID: 11
Description: The NTP server didn't respond

Is there a reliable time server I can use that is set for EST Time

Time service didn't respond? Do you have a firewall blocking UDP 123?


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

Michael Johnston [MSFT]

Time is always given in reference to GMT. Make sure you have the correct time zone defined then verify that your firewall isn't blocking NTP. If you'd like to try
other time servers, please reference 262680 A List of the Simple Network Time Protocol Time Servers That Are http://support.microsoft.com/?id=262680

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they originated.

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