under c:\windows\systems32\msblast.exe
I bought this computer appx 1.5 months ago and since I
did not register I lost all access. I spent over a week
repairing and on help desk to repair and decided to load
all disk...still have three to go.
Please tell me how to rid me how to get rid of this which
was imbedded several months before I bought this computer
or should I use my warranty and return?
I am a semi novice, disabled with some neurological
difficulties. If this is too detailed please be honest
and I will use warranty and return for a new one with
less hassle and dislike for MS.
Thank you.
I bought this computer appx 1.5 months ago and since I
did not register I lost all access. I spent over a week
repairing and on help desk to repair and decided to load
all disk...still have three to go.
Please tell me how to rid me how to get rid of this which
was imbedded several months before I bought this computer
or should I use my warranty and return?
I am a semi novice, disabled with some neurological
difficulties. If this is too detailed please be honest
and I will use warranty and return for a new one with
less hassle and dislike for MS.
Thank you.