We have a Windows 2003 Terminal Server with about 20 users on it. We are
looking for a terminal emmulation software for users to run to connect ot
and perform file transfers and such with a custom Linux piece of equipment.
Hyperterminal is suggest against and the equipment manufacturer suggests
NetTerm - which works ok from as std desktop PC, but generates invalid
memory accesses from the terminal server as the user. It does run on the
terminal server as the admin or the person that ran the install. It was
installed using add/remove programs and the "install for all users" was
selected. Permission on the Netterm files and directories were granted full
control to everyone - at least for test purposes.
Does anyone use Netterm on terminal server and can you offer any insight?
Alternately, does anyone know of another terminal emmulation package that
runs well under terminal server?
looking for a terminal emmulation software for users to run to connect ot
and perform file transfers and such with a custom Linux piece of equipment.
Hyperterminal is suggest against and the equipment manufacturer suggests
NetTerm - which works ok from as std desktop PC, but generates invalid
memory accesses from the terminal server as the user. It does run on the
terminal server as the admin or the person that ran the install. It was
installed using add/remove programs and the "install for all users" was
selected. Permission on the Netterm files and directories were granted full
control to everyone - at least for test purposes.
Does anyone use Netterm on terminal server and can you offer any insight?
Alternately, does anyone know of another terminal emmulation package that
runs well under terminal server?