W2k window position on 2 monitor desktop



I'm using 2 monitor setup with my laptop (ie the desktop
is streched to two monitors: laptop screen & external
monitor). Everything works fine except that certain
windows open in the middle of the desktop and canot be
moved to other location. For example login window & error
message windows open in the middle. Middle means that the
window is split to both displays, which is not so nice. I
have searched cure from knowledgebase, with no luck. Can
anyone help? There must be somewhere a definition
for 'center of the desktop', registers maybe?


-----Original Message-----
I'm using 2 monitor setup with my laptop (ie the desktop
is streched to two monitors: laptop screen & external
monitor). Everything works fine except that certain
windows open in the middle of the desktop and canot be
moved to other location. For example login window & error
message windows open in the middle. Middle means that the
window is split to both displays, which is not so nice. I
have searched cure from knowledgebase, with no luck. Can
anyone help? There must be somewhere a definition
for 'center of the desktop', registers maybe?

Not from Windows 2000 itself. Win2K will give you basic
extended desktop support only. You need a third party
application like ATI Hydravision for example witch lets
you control where every window opens and more. Look at the
video card manufacturer website for such software or in
your case, since you are using a laptop, at the laptop
manufacturer web site.

Good luck!.


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