Not enough info to tell whether you have connectivity or name resolution
issues. But, assuming that this is purely a browsing issue, it may be the
result of Win9x's notorious refusal to accept defeat in browser elections
with newer versions of the OS. A possible fix is to remove the Win9x
machines from the election process. On the Win9x machines:
1. I think in File and Printer Sharing configuration, you can set Master
Browser to disabled.
2. Use regedit and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Vnetsetup
Set the value for MaintainServerList to NO
Doug Sherman
Larry-PMI said:
We have a small 10 user network with some machines on W2K and some on W98.
We can not see the 2K machines on the 98 machines. We do see the 98's on the
2K's. I am told there is a patch to fix this. Can anyone tell me what it