Luke Kandia
We were having much the same issues with a few of our clients. After
doing some research w an old server and w2k (sp4), I found the
1. You cannot easily alter the run commands found in scheduled jobs in
the GUI version of NTBackup.
If you use the NTBackup GUI to try and alter actual scheduled backups
by changing the contents of the "run" command buried inside the
scheduled tasks - properties, your best efforts shall be thwarted.
For whatever reason, I could not get the "run" command line to accept
the the /um switch for instance. First I would alter a typically
scheduled job, to
overwrite any tape it found inside the tape drive by adding the /um
switch to the end of the run line and save the job. I would then exit
the job and then
come right back in only to find that the /um switch had mysteriously
disappeared from the end of the line???
Though this was rather shocking , it would explain why one cannot
get the gui version of NTBackup to overwrite tapes that have been
previously used or allocated.
2. When running ntbackup from a command line and you do not enter
anything for the /d switch, the tape automagically gets labeled with
that day's date as the backup set.
3. When running ntbackup from a command line and you do not enter
anything for the /n switch, the tape automagically gets labeled with
that day's date as the label.
The following command lines will INCREMENTALLY backup whatever list of
files you have referenced in daily_inc.bks (you must create this file
thru the NTBackup gui and then move it where its easy to get to), to
the weekly tape (tapes labeled Monday, Tuesday - unfortunately the
only way to do it shy of deallocating the tape) referenced by the /t
and today's current Date and Time for the Job name (care of the
variable "tapename").
REM monday.bat batch file
@echo off
set tapename=%Date% %Time%
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\daily_Incr.bks" /j "tapename"
/m INCREMENTAL /t "Monday" /a
REM use /t "Tuesday" , /t "Wednesday", /t "Thursday" for the other 3
incremental tapes and batch files. The beauty is that for your Friday
tape you can use the script you currently are using with only a slight
REM friday.bat batch file
@echo off
set tapename=%Date% %Time%
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobs\weekly_Full.bks" /j "tapename"
/m normal /p "DLT" /um
* by setting /M normal or /M incremental in the GUI, you won't have to
reference it in ALL your batch files.
* by leaving out the /N "Baldotape" you get a tape labeled with the
actual date of backup (default setting) - much more useful in the long
* by changing the /j switch to "tapename" you get a job logged in
ntbackup gui, called by the actual date of backup.
* set all of the other switches in the GUI (tools/options) - look
below for definitions
* if you try to run this out of the gui, the /um will disappear. Run
this from a batch file command instead.
* Note, of all the missing switches, the following ones are defined in
ntbackup, under tool/options:
/V - verify backup
/R - admin access only
/L - log file type
/M - backup type
/RS - removable storage
/HC - hardware compression
the rest are either optional OR as discussed above, default settings
On 4 Apr 2002 05:00:47 -0800, (e-mail address removed) (baldo) wrote:
For a number of years I have been performing backups on a number of
NT4 servers using a scripted ntbackup solution. I am beginning the
process of converting to W2K and I want to 'port' my current backup
(1) On Fridays:
.....Insert a new/used/whatever tape into the (standalone) DLT drive.
.....A scheduled script executes ntbackup which performs a full backup
.....and overwrites *whatever* tape is in the DLT drive.
(2) On other days:
.....A scheduled script executes ntbackup which performs an incremental
.....backup and appends to the tape in the DLT drive.
FullBackup.cmd (runs on Fridays)
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobs\BackupServer_Full.bks" /j "FullBackup"
/m NORMAL BaldoTape" /v/n ":NO /r:YES /rs:NO /hc:ON /l:F /p "DLT" /um
IncrBackup.cmd (runs on non-Fridays)
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobsBackupServer_Incr.bks" /j "IncrBackup"
/m INCREMENTAL /t "BaldoTape" /v:NO /r:YES /rs:NO\ /hc:ON /l:F /a
My scripts worked the 1st Friday, the next six days, and the 2nd
After that, my non-Friday scripts stopped working.
Each time I insert a tape that my server doesn't 'recognise' I get a
new entry under MediaPools/Backup/DLT. Each entry has the same name
('BaldoTape - 1'). Because of this, when my non-Friday script runs
it aborts with the message "The operation was not performed because
a non-unique tape name was specified." in the log file.
Yes, I know that my scripts are forcing use of the same name on each
tape. But if I don't use a fixed name, then my non-Friday script won't
know the name the Friday script gave the tape.
If I deallocate and delete the MediaPools/Backup/DLT entries manually
using explorer, I can make things work again. I could accept deleting
these entries in my Friday script as a solution if it were possible,
but it isn't. I can deallocate using rsm.exe on the command line,
but there is no (documented) delete function. Sigh...
How can I disable RSM without breaking ntbackup?
How can I delete MediaPools/Backup/DLT entries on the command line?
How can I earn a zillion dollars in a week without doing any work?
Does anyone have any help to offer?
I don't need RSM.
I don't want RSM.
I don't like RSM.
I don't give a FF about RSM.
What I want to do is solve a problem and RSM is in my way.
CAFM, at least MS could give me the option of disabling it.
Despite all indications to the contrary, I am not a *complete* idiot.
doing some research w an old server and w2k (sp4), I found the
1. You cannot easily alter the run commands found in scheduled jobs in
the GUI version of NTBackup.
If you use the NTBackup GUI to try and alter actual scheduled backups
by changing the contents of the "run" command buried inside the
scheduled tasks - properties, your best efforts shall be thwarted.
For whatever reason, I could not get the "run" command line to accept
the the /um switch for instance. First I would alter a typically
scheduled job, to
overwrite any tape it found inside the tape drive by adding the /um
switch to the end of the run line and save the job. I would then exit
the job and then
come right back in only to find that the /um switch had mysteriously
disappeared from the end of the line???
Though this was rather shocking , it would explain why one cannot
get the gui version of NTBackup to overwrite tapes that have been
previously used or allocated.
2. When running ntbackup from a command line and you do not enter
anything for the /d switch, the tape automagically gets labeled with
that day's date as the backup set.
3. When running ntbackup from a command line and you do not enter
anything for the /n switch, the tape automagically gets labeled with
that day's date as the label.
The following command lines will INCREMENTALLY backup whatever list of
files you have referenced in daily_inc.bks (you must create this file
thru the NTBackup gui and then move it where its easy to get to), to
the weekly tape (tapes labeled Monday, Tuesday - unfortunately the
only way to do it shy of deallocating the tape) referenced by the /t
and today's current Date and Time for the Job name (care of the
variable "tapename").
REM monday.bat batch file
@echo off
set tapename=%Date% %Time%
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\daily_Incr.bks" /j "tapename"
/m INCREMENTAL /t "Monday" /a
REM use /t "Tuesday" , /t "Wednesday", /t "Thursday" for the other 3
incremental tapes and batch files. The beauty is that for your Friday
tape you can use the script you currently are using with only a slight
REM friday.bat batch file
@echo off
set tapename=%Date% %Time%
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobs\weekly_Full.bks" /j "tapename"
/m normal /p "DLT" /um
* by setting /M normal or /M incremental in the GUI, you won't have to
reference it in ALL your batch files.
* by leaving out the /N "Baldotape" you get a tape labeled with the
actual date of backup (default setting) - much more useful in the long
* by changing the /j switch to "tapename" you get a job logged in
ntbackup gui, called by the actual date of backup.
* set all of the other switches in the GUI (tools/options) - look
below for definitions
* if you try to run this out of the gui, the /um will disappear. Run
this from a batch file command instead.
* Note, of all the missing switches, the following ones are defined in
ntbackup, under tool/options:
/V - verify backup
/R - admin access only
/L - log file type
/M - backup type
/RS - removable storage
/HC - hardware compression
the rest are either optional OR as discussed above, default settings
On 4 Apr 2002 05:00:47 -0800, (e-mail address removed) (baldo) wrote:
For a number of years I have been performing backups on a number of
NT4 servers using a scripted ntbackup solution. I am beginning the
process of converting to W2K and I want to 'port' my current backup
(1) On Fridays:
.....Insert a new/used/whatever tape into the (standalone) DLT drive.
.....A scheduled script executes ntbackup which performs a full backup
.....and overwrites *whatever* tape is in the DLT drive.
(2) On other days:
.....A scheduled script executes ntbackup which performs an incremental
.....backup and appends to the tape in the DLT drive.
FullBackup.cmd (runs on Fridays)
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobs\BackupServer_Full.bks" /j "FullBackup"
/m NORMAL BaldoTape" /v/n ":NO /r:YES /rs:NO /hc:ON /l:F /p "DLT" /um
IncrBackup.cmd (runs on non-Fridays)
ntbackup backup "@d:\admin\jobsBackupServer_Incr.bks" /j "IncrBackup"
/m INCREMENTAL /t "BaldoTape" /v:NO /r:YES /rs:NO\ /hc:ON /l:F /a
My scripts worked the 1st Friday, the next six days, and the 2nd
After that, my non-Friday scripts stopped working.
Each time I insert a tape that my server doesn't 'recognise' I get a
new entry under MediaPools/Backup/DLT. Each entry has the same name
('BaldoTape - 1'). Because of this, when my non-Friday script runs
it aborts with the message "The operation was not performed because
a non-unique tape name was specified." in the log file.
Yes, I know that my scripts are forcing use of the same name on each
tape. But if I don't use a fixed name, then my non-Friday script won't
know the name the Friday script gave the tape.
If I deallocate and delete the MediaPools/Backup/DLT entries manually
using explorer, I can make things work again. I could accept deleting
these entries in my Friday script as a solution if it were possible,
but it isn't. I can deallocate using rsm.exe on the command line,
but there is no (documented) delete function. Sigh...
How can I disable RSM without breaking ntbackup?
How can I delete MediaPools/Backup/DLT entries on the command line?
How can I earn a zillion dollars in a week without doing any work?
Does anyone have any help to offer?
I don't need RSM.
I don't want RSM.
I don't like RSM.
I don't give a FF about RSM.
What I want to do is solve a problem and RSM is in my way.
CAFM, at least MS could give me the option of disabling it.
Despite all indications to the contrary, I am not a *complete* idiot.