W2K Licensing Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank DeChellis
  • Start date Start date

Frank DeChellis

We just bought 10 licenses to replace the temporary licenses on our
W2K server.

Whenever I log in with my terminal it still assigns me with a
Temporary license AND, since there is only 1, it sits there and
doesn't let go when I log off. Next time I try to connect with TS
Client it tells me my connection has ended and the server pops up a
message on it's screen saying the licenses were running low.

Now, everybody else is assigned a proper license...it's only my system
that is stuck in this temporary world.

If I reboot the server, everything works fine...once.

I have deleted the register key for MSLicensing on my station but it
doesn't help.

is there a way to delete the temporary licenses in Windows? I
couldn;t find anything.

By default, whenever you connect the first time, you will
be issued a temporary licence. When you are authenticated
the second time, your temporary license is then turned
into a permanent license.

When you connect the second time, what eventlog entry
appears in the eventlog of the terminal server?

Also, what service pack are you running on the terminal
server as well as the client?

The W2K Pro terminal and W2K server are both running Service pack 4.
The log says the nolicense is available. But there are 6 Permament
licenses and only 1 temporary license.

Thanks for your time in responding to me.