Rob Compton
Don't know whether it was a trojan, spyware, or whatever
that caused it, but my W2K box has lost it's hidden shares,
admin$, ipc$, c$ etc...
To that end, it appears on the network but can't be
accessed in the normal way. On a couple of my machines I
have some of the drives on the W2K box listed, and I can go
straight to them, but I cannot access the root of the
machine, and what's more, I can't access the printers that
are hooked up to it (and it's the main printer server too!).
Now here's what I've found... If I re-boot it, but don't
log-in, ie: just leave it sitting there with the login box,
it all works, printer serving, file serving, internet
serving, the whole shabang! Log in, and it packs up. I've
looked at the registry, and there is the line in
lanmanserver/.../parameters (can't remember it exactly),
but DWORD is set to 0. If I delete that parameter, it
"should", re-create the shares, according to other articles
I've seen. It doesn't.
Any ideas.
Except format c: install something that works (I'm so
hacked off with this, that it's getting close to being a
L*n*x box!)
that caused it, but my W2K box has lost it's hidden shares,
admin$, ipc$, c$ etc...
To that end, it appears on the network but can't be
accessed in the normal way. On a couple of my machines I
have some of the drives on the W2K box listed, and I can go
straight to them, but I cannot access the root of the
machine, and what's more, I can't access the printers that
are hooked up to it (and it's the main printer server too!).
Now here's what I've found... If I re-boot it, but don't
log-in, ie: just leave it sitting there with the login box,
it all works, printer serving, file serving, internet
serving, the whole shabang! Log in, and it packs up. I've
looked at the registry, and there is the line in
lanmanserver/.../parameters (can't remember it exactly),
but DWORD is set to 0. If I delete that parameter, it
"should", re-create the shares, according to other articles
I've seen. It doesn't.
Any ideas.
Except format c: install something that works (I'm so
hacked off with this, that it's getting close to being a
L*n*x box!)