Adam Szewczak
I have Ati AIW Rage 128GL 32 Mb.
I change system to Windows 2000 and now is the problem. Becouse oryginal Ati
software from CD doesend install (want to use W95/98 or did't fidn Ati
. So I download soft from Ati web site and now there is another
problem, when I install MMC I can't search TV station (there isn't to select
TV region so next button is inactive). I can't install Ati DVD player
becouse there is an error (directx 8 not detected) when I have DX9
I have Ati AIW Rage 128GL 32 Mb.
I change system to Windows 2000 and now is the problem. Becouse oryginal Ati
software from CD doesend install (want to use W95/98 or did't fidn Ati

problem, when I install MMC I can't search TV station (there isn't to select
TV region so next button is inactive). I can't install Ati DVD player
becouse there is an error (directx 8 not detected) when I have DX9