W2000 with 2 nic's in same subnet?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bert.moolenaar
  • Start date Start date



I''m running Windows 2000 sp4 as a webserver (office-intranet). I have
two networkcards in this server and i want to use one for web traffic
and the other for ftp, etc.
I thought this would be simple. I just give each nic it's own IP-
address (one and the other and let the http-
service use one and the ftp-service the other.

However, I don't seem to get both IP's up and running in our network.
I can ping only one of them.
After some searching I found a remark saying that it is not possible
to have two nic's in one subnet.

Does anyone now if this is true and if so, are there any solutions so
that I can use both nic's anyway?
Hello (e-mail address removed),

You can't control the traffic flow over your NIC's, even with 2 IP addresses
this is not possible. If you like to use both NIC's, look for teaming software
from your vendor. This gives you the option for failover or combined use.
Depends of the software.

Best regards

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