Having not really paid attention to the scan schedule since the upades
started functioning correctly its been a while since I read any oservations
And running a scan everyday at a set time functioned perfectly.
However what I cannot understand is that given a choice to scan one day a
week rather than everyday ! after three days I start getting alert notices
telling me I haven't scanned ! That I know its because I chose not too ! so
why give me a choice and then keep reminding me a scan hasn't been done ?
Better still why not simply give an option to scan on start up ! for those
who don't use their computers everyday at the same hours !
Finally given that I chose to do a scan and having chosen the option to
check for updates before scanning ! why does Defender ignore that option, and
scan with the exsisting definitions ! When I know full well that a new update
is available !
started functioning correctly its been a while since I read any oservations
And running a scan everyday at a set time functioned perfectly.
However what I cannot understand is that given a choice to scan one day a
week rather than everyday ! after three days I start getting alert notices
telling me I haven't scanned ! That I know its because I chose not too ! so
why give me a choice and then keep reminding me a scan hasn't been done ?
Better still why not simply give an option to scan on start up ! for those
who don't use their computers everyday at the same hours !
Finally given that I chose to do a scan and having chosen the option to
check for updates before scanning ! why does Defender ignore that option, and
scan with the exsisting definitions ! When I know full well that a new update
is available !