Hi there
I wonder if anyone can help here
Every time I restart my PC,
Vx2.Zserv and the Euniverse Updater reappear on my PC. It
is like they self install at every boot up.
So every morning I run AntiSpyware Beta1 to clean things
up.. then if I reboot spyware reappears..
How can I permanently get rid of Vx2.Zserv and Eunivesrse
from myPC I looked around files but I can;t find any
suspicios name I also looked for other files normally
associate with Vx2 but nothing appears to be there..
I wonder if anyone can help here
Every time I restart my PC,
Vx2.Zserv and the Euniverse Updater reappear on my PC. It
is like they self install at every boot up.
So every morning I run AntiSpyware Beta1 to clean things
up.. then if I reboot spyware reappears..
How can I permanently get rid of Vx2.Zserv and Eunivesrse
from myPC I looked around files but I can;t find any
suspicios name I also looked for other files normally
associate with Vx2 but nothing appears to be there..