Vuescan file size

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I have an Epson 3200 that I have used with Silverfast SE and Epson's
software for about a year. Yesterday I purchased Vuescan because I
want 48 bit scans of Fuji Reala 6x24 panoramic negatives that I can
blow up to 20x80 inches at about 200 dpi. (Neither Silverfast SE nor
Epson have a setting for Reala, and Silverfast SE supports only 24 bit
scans.)Vuescan told me my scan would be 348 mg. However, when I try to
scan, I am warned that the file is over 1 GIGABITE! I went ahead and
scanned a negative with two passes and ended up with a 2 gigabite file
that would not open in Photoshop 7.0. I have previously scanned some
of these files in both the Silverfast and Epson software without any
excessive size. Help.

Hello, Mike
in Deinem Posting stand...
I have an Epson 3200 that I have used with Silverfast SE and Epson's
software for about a year. [...]
Vuescan told me my scan would be 348 mg.

Depends on scan resolution. What did you choose? I assume that 6x24
means inch...
However, when I try to
scan, I am warned that the file is over 1 GIGABITE! I went ahead and
scanned a negative with two passes and ended up with a 2 gigabite file
that would not open in Photoshop 7.0.

2 Gb file size uncompressed, 16 bit per channel, 3 channels is about
350 Megapixels. You have an aspect ratio of 1x4, so the longer side
will be about 37.000 pixels long. The limit for photoshop 7 is 30.000
pixels length. You'll need photoshop CS or The Gimp to open files with
more than that.

If this calculation is somewhere near reality you must have scanned
with about 1600 dpi. Far to much for your desired output size of 20x80
inch with 200 dpi. A linear enlargement of 3.33 times would mean that
scanning at 800 dpi is more than enough. This would reduce your file
size to 500 Mb and your pixel length to about 19.000 pixels.