I have an Epson 3200 that I have used with Silverfast SE and Epson's
software for about a year. Yesterday I purchased Vuescan because I
want 48 bit scans of Fuji Reala 6x24 panoramic negatives that I can
blow up to 20x80 inches at about 200 dpi. (Neither Silverfast SE nor
Epson have a setting for Reala, and Silverfast SE supports only 24 bit
scans.)Vuescan told me my scan would be 348 mg. However, when I try to
scan, I am warned that the file is over 1 GIGABITE! I went ahead and
scanned a negative with two passes and ended up with a 2 gigabite file
that would not open in Photoshop 7.0. I have previously scanned some
of these files in both the Silverfast and Epson software without any
excessive size. Help.
software for about a year. Yesterday I purchased Vuescan because I
want 48 bit scans of Fuji Reala 6x24 panoramic negatives that I can
blow up to 20x80 inches at about 200 dpi. (Neither Silverfast SE nor
Epson have a setting for Reala, and Silverfast SE supports only 24 bit
scans.)Vuescan told me my scan would be 348 mg. However, when I try to
scan, I am warned that the file is over 1 GIGABITE! I went ahead and
scanned a negative with two passes and ended up with a 2 gigabite file
that would not open in Photoshop 7.0. I have previously scanned some
of these files in both the Silverfast and Epson software without any
excessive size. Help.